Faculty of Forestry

Faculty of Forestry

6 Departments
Mission is to contribute to the science of forestry in pursuit of the sustainable development of Thailand in forestry and related disciplines.

Faculty of Forestry

Kasetsart University

Is the only school in Thailand that provides forestry education, offering degree programs with a focus on practical learning at the Bachelor's, Master's, and Doctoral degree levels. The Faculty endeavors to contribute to the body of knowledge about tropical forestry through advanced research and study. We provide training, informational resources, and academic services to society in areas of forest management, forest biology, forest engineering, silviculture, forest products and conservation.

Office and Center


Tel: +66 2579 0170 Fax: +66 2561 4264 Website: http://www.forest.ku.ac.th Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/forestku Email: info.kuff@ku.ac.th